“Pan Am Place gave me reassurance in myself. It gave me structure in my life.”


I was born in Rwanda. A few years later, we moved from the country because of a genocide. The genocide was extremely impactful on my life and deeply affected my family. Everyone I knew – teachers, friends, family – were all affected by the genocide.

My family was forced to evacuate the country and move around Africa. Eventually, we joined other family members in Winnipeg. The move caused a great trauma and culture shock on my family and it eventually caused some issues. I knew, in order to reach my goals, I had to find a new place to live. That’s when I found Pan Am Place.

I felt lost. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life and where to go next. I was in a new country and I was unsure of what my next move was. I was worried that I’d become homeless. Pan Am Place gave me reassurance in myself. It gave me structure in my life. The staff and my schedule allowed me to reach my goals.

I finished my high school, enrolled in college and now am pursuing a career in diesel mechanics. Not only that, Pan Am Place has introduced me to the sport of boxing. I have competed and won at a provincial level and the sport has shown me a new outlet for fitness and stress-relief.

Con is currently completing his apprenticeship in diesel mechanics in Calgary, Alberta.